The banner submission rules are as follows:

  1. The default banner dimensions are 630x180 pixels. Only the 180 pixel height is technically required; the width requirement is far more lax (just don't make it super huge).
  2. .PNG or .GIF format. No .JPEGs, please.
  3. No ClearType text! Paint uses this to draw text and it looks horrible, so please don't use Paint. If you don't have Photoshop, alternatives are Paint.NET and GIMP.

Below is a list of all current banners on Itz Showtime and their creators. Any of these can be randomly chosen to appear on the page. Let me know if any of these are misattributed to the wrong creator or you know who created the ones that currently do not have creators.

Banner Name Creator(s)
bedtime.png Dergers
heilpizza.png Dergers
pizzashoes.png Dergers
gunbird.png Dergers
frosty_approved.png Frosty, Dergers
spoocher.png Dergers
sa-x.png Dergers
mouth_of_madness.png Powuhlahn
offline.png ItzPringle
krypt_monster.gif Solar
doomdog.png Solar
afbanner.gif ItzPringle, Solar
bannergodwillsit.gif ItzPringle
itzshwotmie.png Alaskarly
itz80stime.png Dookdoom4
nuremderg_rally.png MagicLobster
tmnt.png ?
nappytime.png Solar
nappytimebanner.png ItzPringle
nappytimemspaint.png Alaskarly
wordartnappytime.png Solar
now_loading.png Powuhlahn
doubt.png MagicLobster
lies.png Jexner
mouth_of_madness_2.png ?
gayme_center_cx.png ItzPringle
showtime_folks.png Powuhlahn, Solar
aoi_hono.png ItzPringle
interspecies_romance.png Bartleburg
destroy_all_anime.png Solar
pisstime.png Solar
jexpisstime.png MagicLobster
itzdoomedtime.png Alaskarly
literal_piss_time.png Solar
itz_okama_time.png Solar
burg_banner.gif ItzPringle
clerks_banner.gif ItzPringle
taro.jpg Llamu
literal_piss_time_2.png Solar
itzsnifftime.png Alaskarly
anime_is_illegal.png ?
literal_piss_time_3.png Bartleburg
worst_day.png MagicLobster
papyrus_on_anime.gif ?
gary_takes_over_showtime.png ItzPringle
memetime.png Alaskarly
hey_piss.png Alaskarly
too_much_piss.png SuperYuriGagarin
okami_fuck.png Solar
okami_fuck_2.png Solar
traintime.jpg DNAd
spermtime.jpg Alaskarly
xeno_banner.gif ItzPringle
gay_baby_banner.png ItzPringle
possessioner.gif ItzPringle
gremlins.gif ItzPringle
big_fat_jexner.jpg Jexner
Lesbians.png Zet
arino.png Cottommy
barotrauma.gif Cottommy
god_gamer.png Cottommy
spooky_itch.png These are the Mysteries
lobster_aggin.png MagicLobster
PARTYHARD.gif Cottommy
re2banner.png Alaskarly
itzleontimef.png Powuhlahn
itzpropagandatime2.png Alaskarly
louistime.png Powuhlahn
showtime2.png Alaskarly
unconscioustime.png Alaskarly
itzdivergent.png Shirzgird
KaiserBrizzle.gif Cottommy
CandyShowtime.png Bartleburg
leon-showtime.jpg Llamu
itz-chair-time.jpg Llamu
super_showtime.png Cottommy
davidgoestoshowtime.gif Cottommy
alex.png Bonker
AMUROWINS.png Cottommy
CUM.gif Cottommy
Dubs Banner.png Shirzgird
Itzsimstime.png Cottommy
waaah.gif Cottommy
shoWWEtime.gif Cottommy
CanTheRottenRot.gif Cottommy
DeadTimeDeluxe.png Cottommy
ItzSingham.png Cottommy
ShownInTime.png Cottommy